
Preserve your ideas and inventions with quality service

Protect your Intellectual Property Rights through processes such as trademark, patent, design, geographical indication and domain name registration.

  • Brand registration
  • Patent Tescili
  • Utility Model Registration
  • Design Registration
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Geographical Indication Registration
  • Objection and Counter Opinion Procedures in the Registration Process
  • Post-registration Transfer, Transfer and Renewal Procedures
  • Brand Tracking Service
  • Consultancy Service for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

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Brand Registration

We ensure that you protect your brand through our trademark attorneys who are experts in the field of trademark law.

Design Registration

We provide that you protect the designs of your products through our trademark and patent attorneys who are experts.

Patent Registration

We supply that you protect your inventions through our patent attorneys who are experts in the field of patent law.

Tracking Service

We monitor whether other registration applications are made that would violate your Intellectual Property Rights.